As a blogger we have got lot of things to do (posting, research, social media, videos, link building, etc…) and we don`t find time to check our own blog comments. Then, why to comment on other blogs?
Commenting on other blogs, benefit you with lot of things! Here I have listed few reasons Why You Should Comment on Other Blogs?
Why You Should Comment on Other Blogs?

Making Your Presence in Blogosphere

To attract customers or investors to your business you need to make your presence in the market, and this rule sticks to every business. In blogging world it is done by commenting on other blogs. Well, you all knew this does`t mean just adding few sentence but some worthy comment to attract readers to your blog.
Selecting your niche blogs is very important. Unfortunately few blogs say that niche is not important just getting link is important. I must say that for them, user is not important only robots are important!
Lets say that you have a blog on environment and you are commenting on SEO niche blogs. Yes, you will get a link but do you think when a user clicks your link will he/she be ready to read your posts?

To gain Gain More Opportunities

One of the easiest way to attract readers, traffic and guest posting. When you comment on other blogs on regular basis then you will come to know bloggers personally and this will make them to visit your blog and support your blog with guest posting.
I don`t say that blog commenting is the only way to get guest bloggers. This is one of the easiest way to get the work done.

Backlinks, Backlinks!

Why You Should Comment on Other Blogs?
Yeah, now we came the most important thing getting backlinks. Backlinks is important, as based on this you will improve your SERPs. Blog commenting gets you lot of niche related backlinks. Some of the blogs give dofollow links which is very important for SERPs.
Most of the blogs use comment luv plugin which not only gives you a dofollow link but also anchor text! Try here commenting on blogs which use premium comment luv plugin.
But as as I discussed above getting backlinks is not your only goal. Remember that you need to impress readers who read your comment.

To Keep Yourself Up-to-date

One more benefit that you get when you comment on your niche blog is that you will get to know more latest info from other bloggers. Lets say, that you have a blog on affiliate niche then by commenting on other blogs you may come to know about latest update from Google (that using nofollow for affiliate link is recommended).
This is one of the easiest way that I think you can keep up-to-date. Any newbie can try this, all he/she has to do is regularly comment on blogs.

Building Your Community

Discussing (commenting) on other blogs regarding your niche can make many newbies and other bloggers to click your link and follow your blog posts. And this helps you to build your blog community. Where you can easily release new offers and giveways for your readers.
Building community helps you in many ways like when you write your first ebook you can take feedback from them and improve accordingly. This will increase more advertisers for your blog.
Most of the bloggers even after knowing the importance of blog commenting don`t try it seriously. Hope this post will make us to think about it and take blog commenting seriously.

Your Turn!

There are lot more benefits of commenting on other blogs. Do share your views on Why You Should Comment on Other Blogs?  here in comments. :)