I recently posted article about 20 Best WordPress Plugins That I Used In 2011 some of them are premium and some are free. Now I came with a list of 10 Best Statistics Plugin For WordPress. These are absolutely free Best Statistics Plugin For WordPress. Check out below!

1. JetPack

10 Best Statistics Plugin For WordPress
Jetpack is a WordPress plugin that supercharges your self-hosted WordPress site with the awesome cloud power of WordPress.com.

2.StatPress Reloaded

10 Best Statistics Plugin For WordPress
(click image for full size view)
This plugin shows you real time statistics about your blog. It collects information about visitors, spiders, search keywords, feeds, browsers, OS etc.
Once the plugin StatPress has been activated it immediately starts to collect information. Using StatPress Reloaded you can see your visitors actions while they are surfing your blog or check which are the preferred pages, posts and categories. In the Dashboard menu you will find the StatPress Reloaded page where you could look up the statistics (overview or detailed). StatPress Reloaded also includes a widget you can add to a sidebar (or easy PHP code if you can’t use widgets!).

3. WordPress.com Official Stats Plugin

10 Best Statistics Plugin For WordPress
(click image for full size view)
WordPress.com stats plugin is a very simple and straight forward statistic plugin which shows very basic information such as Referrer, Search engine terms and where people are going when they leave your page. This is all it is but the best thing about this plugin is fast interface, ease of access and simplicity.

4. kStats Reloaded

10 Best Statistics Plugin For WordPress
(click image for full size view)
Using kStats you can instantly see who’s coming to your site, where they are coming from, be it another web site or one of the many popular search engines, and much more. See up to the minute information on how many unique visitors you’ve gotten, how many pageviews they’ve resulted in, including information on which crawlers are visiting and indexing your WordPress site.

5. nStatistics

10 Best Statistics Plugin For WordPress

Get Statistics for your blog, see last 15 days (visits/page views), Quick today Stats, Traffic sources, Accessed Pages and Traffic Sources. Every category can hold information for today, yesterday, last 7 days, this month, and last month.

6.W3Counter Blog Stats Plugin for WordPress

10 Best Statistics Plugin For WordPress
The official WordPress Blog Stats plugin makes integrating W3Counter with a WordPress self-hosted blog easy. The plugin adds W3Counter’s real-time stats to the WordPress admin dashboard, and adds a sidebar widget for integrating the tracking code into the blog’s theme.

7. Pixelstats WordPress plugin

10 Best Statistics Plugin For WordPress
Count every viewer and every page impression for each article, no matter how and where it is read: pixelstats tracks views of each blog post or page, not only on a single article page but also on every other page where the complete article is shown, i.e. the blog front page, category pages, search result page, archive pages and even RSS feeds.
Normal statistic tools count visitors and page impressions per actual page or URL, i.e. an article view is only counted, when your visitor clicks on the article’s permalink. This doesn’t make sense for blogs, because many of your visitors read articles on your blog’s front page or in full content RSS feeds.
This plugin does not supply endless features to analyze your visitor’s behavior, it just gives you an accurate impression, which of your articles is viewed how many times.

8. Slimstat Plugin for WordPress

10 Best Statistics Plugin For WordPress
(click image for full size view)
SlimStat is a simple but powerful web analytics program written in PHP. Get up and running in seconds. Drill-down and filter data in any way you choose. You can jump through a calendar and compare results with any past day, week, month or year. Zip and other file tracking is also possible. There is one great thing about this one of its kind WP Statistics plugin, there is an iPhone-optimised interface available if you are willing to check your stats from your iPhone.

9. Search Meter

If you have a Search box on your blog, Search Meter automatically records what people are searching for — and whether they are finding what they are looking for. Search Meter’s admin interface shows you what people have been searching for in the last couple of days, and in the last week or month. It also shows you which searches have been unsuccessful. If people search your blog and get no results, they’ll probably go elsewhere. With Search Meter, you’ll be able to find out what people are searching for, and give them what they want by creating new posts on those topics.

10. PopuList for WordPress

10 Best Statistics Plugin For WordPress

PopuList allows you to track the popularity of your posts on social bookmarking sites reddit, stumbleupon, del.icio.us and digg. When PopuList is activated, a page is added to your dashboard giving the number of times a page has been saved or upvoted.
That’s all. Hope you will enjoyed the 10 Best Statistics Plugin For WordPress. Let me know which statics plugin you are using??
Don’t forget to look at our recent plugin collection for WordPress Blog