Google Penguin and Panda updates have really caused some serious problems to many bloggers. You might be also be a victim of these updates if your blog is not properly organized or rather optimized for these updates. :D
If you are using WordPress as your blogging platform then you should be aware that there are several things in WordPress that might make your blog get penalized by Google due to these various updates.
Making Your Blog Bulletproof From Penguin and Panda Updates

To help you out with this updates, I have come up with some tips that will help Making Your Blog Bulletproof From Penguin and Panda Updates, and if you are already penalized by these updates then it would improve your blog rankings.

Remove Junk Articles from your Blog

The first thing you should do regardless of the fact that you have been affected by these updates or if you want to prevent your blog from getting hit by these updates is to remove all junk or low quality contents from your blog.
Google hates low quality content, so if you are thinking or placing some low quality and short articles on your blog, or have already done so, then you should think about it, as your blog might get hit by the Google Panda update. There lies a very high probability that Google will sue your blog for holding junk articles.
So, take some time, and remove all the low quality articles, mainly the articles that are not relevant to your blog, and are of very short length. However, there are no exact length specified by Google, but still you should not have articles below 500 words to be on the safe side.

Make sure WordPress is not Harming your Blog

WordPress if not properly optimized can harm your blog by making your blog get hit by these updates from Google, and resulting in a significant drop in rankings and traffic from Google. WordPress has a tendency to generate junk pages like attachment pages and replytocom pages.
These pages contain nothing but images and comments, which are considered as poor quality content, unless someone writes a comment on your blog which is equivalent to a good article. So, Google sees these pages as low quality content, and thus ultimately treats your blog as a hub of low quality and spam content.
Make sure your blog does not generate any attachment pages, by choosing to link your images on your post to the original image file, rather than an attachment page.
You can prevent the formation of replytocom pages by using plugins like SEO by Yoast, or by making sure that your blog generates links to comments with a hash, like this one,
You can easily achieve these kind of links by using the plugin mentioned above. If by chance you are having a lot of these of pages already generated by WordPress for your blog, then do take some time to remove those pages from Google index using the URL Removal tool on Google Webmasters.

Link carefully!

You should always make sure that you don’t link to a site that doesn’t falls into your niche or is a site which is marked as spam by Google. There may come many situations when you might want to link to a site that is off-topic or of a niche that is totally different from yours, but you should always make sure that you don’t link to such sites from neither any article nor from anywhere on your site.
If you are linking to these kind of sites, then your blog will get hit by the Google Penguin update for referring to spam or irrelevant sites, and it’s a genuine cause, as a blog which is based on technology, should not link to a casino site or a health related site.
If you have already linked to such sites, then you should immediately remove such links from your blog articles or from anywhere on your blog from where you have placed the links. You might get offers from various people to place such links on your site, its better not to accept such offer and link to irrelevant sites, which will ultimately cause harm to your blog.
This concludes the article and I hope that everyone reading this article will find the tips mentioned helpful in Making Your Blog Bulletproof From Penguin and Panda Updates. If you have suggestions or queries then you are always welcome to place your comments below.