There are many
companies which want to sell their services to website owners who have
not much clue about the search engine optimization techniques. These
companies have given birth to a lot of Tactics about SEO which they want
the website owners to believe so they hire those companies for the SEO
requirements. Not many people know surely about the search engine
mechanism and indexing. That leads them to believe in these Tactics.
Here are some of the myths that are needed to be cleared in order to
make everyone understand what they exactly need.
Read Also:
Common SEO Mistakes & Tips From Google for New Bloggers
Page rank has something to do with search status
Many people believe that their site’s position on the search engine
result pages indicates the amount of search about them. This is a myth
as the search engine mechanism is much more complicated and versatile.
If your website has a rank from one to five then the search engine
places you there in comparison to other sites of same type. There are
many things that the search engine compare to generate the ranking every
month. Read Also:
7 Killer SEO Steps to Optimize Your Website in SERP
Google indexing depends on site registration
Till few years ago, every website owner was bound to register their
site with Google to be indexed but these days that’s no more a
necessity. The Google search engine mechanism has improved a lot and
they now have an automated system which checks your website as soon as
you buy a domain. It keeps doing that from time to time and indexes your
site. There is nothing that you have to do anymore.
Keyword density
Many people don’t know this but the keyword density is a Tactics
indeed. You surely need keyword, and surely some well organized ones, in
all your posts to make them SEO friendly but you don’t have a
particular number to maintain. There is no rule for keyword density and
you need to include them as long as they mix well with the keyword.
Stuffing your posts with keyword will not help you and it will surely
lower down the quality of the content.
Meta tags can make huge differences
To be true, Meta tags were really great as a SEO tool even few years
ago but then SEO experts all over the world started spamming them for
better ranking. The search engines these days don’t anymore pay
attention too Meta tags as much as before and that’s why the use of it
is no more as common as it used to be. You can surely use Meta tags but
they won’t help you too much. Read also:
Blogger New SEO Options with Meta Tags
Shared links are helpful
Shared links was a master idea when it was first released and it
helped websites to get a big traffic. However, like every old method, it
doesn’t work anymore. This link sharing technique is no more helpful as
modern search engine mechanisms ignore these links at the first place.
You need SEO experts
This is one SEO myth that can be considered as a relative one. If you
are a person with SEO knowledge, and some experience, then you surely
don’t need a SEO company to do your work. However, if you have not much
experience about SEO then you need to hire experts. See also :
How TO Find Best SEO Services
Social video is most apt to be successful for your business when you stop thinking about "going viral" and really focus on being useful.
Content Writing Services