So, if you are reading this post, I presume your blog overslept or lets say you overslept.
And now you want to revamp your blog, right?

Before you proceed, let me make it clear
that the process of revamping your old blog is very tough. And you need
to give extra efforts to achieve it, like you did while launching the
blog initially.
Well, launching a new blog
is a daunting task. We as bloggers, are aware of the fact that, how
much effort we had to put in doing so. Drawing the attention of readers
and probloggers of that particular niche takes long time. And, once you
have successfully promoted the blog, the job is somewhat easy. All you
have to do is maintain it further.
Revamp Your Blog Today!
But, unfortunately some of us fail to do
so. It may be because of a number of reasons. A busy schedule or a
personal problem or not knowing what to blog next or sheer negligence,
can force bloggers to abandon their blogs. Under such circumstances, do
you have to go through all the initial stuffs once again or are there
any other means to revamp your blog?

Beware: A sleeping blog will give you sleepless nights.
Ofcourse, launching your blog for the
first time is way different from revamping your blog and launching it
once again. Follow these easy steps to revamp your blog today:
Try a different content
Blogging about the same topic becomes a
monotonous job. The initial passion to write something new and
interesting is lost. And this loss is clearly reflected in your blog
post. So it’s better to try a different style of presenting. You may
even try a different type of content like making videos, presentations,
infographics etc. You may even opt for a different niche to blog about,
for the time being.
Guest post
Yes, guest post is a powerful practice
to keep readers engaged. And when done properly, you do not have to
think of any other means to revamp your blog. While allowing quality
guest post keeps your blog ticking, writing guest posts for others will
help draw traffic to your own blog.
Social media awakening
Announce your blog’s revival once again
on social media sites. Engage with your fans and followers and re-built
their trust. Redesign your Facebook and Twitter profiles and make them
as engaging as possible. You may also consider advertising on Facebook
inorder to promote your blog.
Connect with subscribers
The best and easiest way to re-connect
with your blog readers is through mail. For this you don’t have to spend
a penny. And this conventional means of connecting with subscribers is
as effective as social network sites. All you have to do is frame a
great blog post and mail it to your loyal subscribers. If it interest
them, then they will start revisiting your blog, in search of more such
articles/blog posts.
Change the design
Revamp your old blog by changing the
look and feel of it. Install a different theme or add new plugins and
widgets. If choosing a new theme isn’t affordable, then you can try
editing the CSS to bring about some changes in the overall design.
Ok, after following these steps you
revamped your blog, great. But, the analysis doesn’t stop there. Spare
some more time to self-analyze on what led to this terrible act in the
first place. Could it have been avoided? Now how prepared are you to
prevent it further?
If you still find difficulty to revamp your blog
or if I missed out some important points on revamping old blog, then do
mention in the comment section. I would be happy to know.
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