is a vast term, and keyword is an essential part of SEO. Keywords are
nothing but the search terms that people use on various search engines
to search the topics related to those keywords. We often spend too much
time for
optimizing our blog
post for search engine. When it comes to blog optimization, use of
effecting keywords are must. Search engine crawlers crawl your content
and keywords are the part that exactly tells the search engine about
your blog post. Keywords play an important role to
increase your blog’s search engine ranking.
Now here are some tips to use keywords for optimizing your blog post :
Choose Your Keywords :
Start with any keyword checker tool, and choose keywords for your
blog. Choose primary as well as secondary keywords for your blog. I
suggest you to use
Google AdWords tool for
keyword research. From here you can shortlist some keywords from
keyword results according to their competition. The keywords with low
competition and high searches will help you to gain high-ranking is
search results.
Use Keywords In Your Post Title :
After deciding the keywords for your blog, the next step is to use
those keywords in your blog posts efficiently to make the most out of
them. Start with the post title, use your keyword or keyword phrases in
your post’s title. Remember post’s title is the first thing which is
crawled by search engines, hence to use keyword or keyword phrase in
post’s title will tell the search engine what exactly the post is about.
Use Keywords In Headings And Sub-Heading:
You should use headings and subheadings in our posts to make your
post attractive and
seo rich. It’s a fact that readers take interest to read posts that are
divided in parts by headings and sub-headings rather than long
paragraphs. So why not to attract search engines also with your headings
and sub-headings. Make use of <h2> and <h3> tags for your
post’s headings and sub-headings and use your keyword or keyword phrases
in them. Attract search engine crawlers by using your primary keywords
in the <h2> and <h3> tag. Even search engine spiders respect
the <h2> and <h3> tags and when you use keyword in those
tags it will be more beneficial to you.
Use Keywords In Anchor Tag:
Most of you are aware of anchor tag and their importance in SEO.
Anchor tags are used for denoting links, try to use your keywords in
anchor tags. Search engine crawlers give more priorities to link rather
than to simple text, Hence using keywords around Anchor tag will improve
your blog’s search engine ranking.
Use Keywords In ALT Tag:
Image makes the post interesting. If you are having an image in your
blog post, use your keyword in alt tag, this will improve your blog’s
search engine ranking. The alt tag will tell the search engine spider
about your blog post.
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